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    학력 및 경력

    충북대학교 수의과대학 졸업
    교대 동물병원 인턴 수의사
    서울대학교 수의과대학 영상의학 석사
    서울대학교 수의과대학 영상의학 조교
    이리온 동물병원 영상과장
    봄 동물병원 원장
    서울대학교 수의과대학 영상의학 박사 수료
    헬릭스 동물메디컬센터 영상과장
    현 강북24시 N동물의료센터 영상원장



    Scientific Meeting & Clinical Course Attendance

    2007 서울대학교 수의과대학 동물병원 증례발표
    2007 ACVR (미국 방사선 학회) 구두 발표
    2008 춘계 및 추계 임상수의학회 구두 및 포스터 발표
    2009 서울대학교 수의과대학 동물병원 증례발표
    2010 서울대학교 수의과대학 동물병원 증례발표
    2018 춘계 임상수의학회 (최우수발표상)



    국내, 국외 학술지 투고

    - Clinical utility of a new protocol of cardiac computed tomography in dogs (2022)

    - Evaluation of the pulmonary vein ostia during the cardiac cycle using ECG-gated cardiac computed tomographjy in cats (2022)

    - Non-ECG- and ECG-gated computed tomography angiography for the evaluation of feline coronary arteries (2022)

    - Type B valvular and supravalvular pulmonic stenosis with aberrant pre-pulmonic right coronary artery diagnosed by non-electrocardiography-gated, multislice computed tomography in a Boston terrier (2021)

    - Successful mitral repair in dogs by mitral annuloplasty using Hegar dilator: two case reports (2021)

    - Recurrent hydronephrosis and spontaneous renal rupture caused by lymphoplasmacytic inflammation in a cat (2021)

    - A Retrospective study on the association between vitreous degeneration and cataract in dogs (2015)

    - Cranial epidural spread of contrast medium and new methylene blue dye in sternally recumbent anaesthetized dogs (2011)

    - Correlation of Ultrasonographic Findings and Cytologic or Histopathologic Diagnoses of Splenic Lesions in Dogs: 124 cases (2012)

    - Epidural Distribution of Contrast Medium according to Vertebral Height Difference in Dogs with Sternal Recumbency (2009)

    - CT thoracic duct lymphography in cats by popliteal lymph node iohexol injection (2012)

    - Ultrasound-guided mesenteric lymph node iohexol injection for thoracic duct computed tomographic lymphography in cats (2011)

    - Radiographic liver size in Pekingese dogs versus other dog breeds (2012)

    - Contrast-enhanced ultrasound analysis of renal perfusion in normal micropigs (2012)

    - Imaging assessment of the modified double contrast barium enema using carboxymethylcellulose on radiography and ultrasonography in dogs (2011)

    - Nasopharyngeal oncocytoma in a cat (2011)

    - Diagnostic Imaging of Lipoma in the Retroperitoneum and Pelvic Cavity in a Dog (2010)

    - Imaging Features of Eosinophilic Bronchopneumopathy in Three Dogs (2012)

    - Outcome of Non-surgical and Surgical Treatments in Dogs with Cervical Intervertebral Disc Disease: 60 cases (2010)

    - Imaging Features of the Intra-abdominal Granulomas in Two Cases (2010)

    - Clinical Presentation and Management of Five Dogs with Apocrine Gland Adenocarcinoma of Anal Sac (2009)

    - Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with Aortic Thromboembolism in Two Cats (2009)

    - Peritoneopericardial Diaphragmatic Hernias in Four Dogs (2008)

    - Percutaneous Ultrasound Guided Ethanol Ablation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism in a Dog (2007)

    - Renal Rupture by Cystadenocarcinoma in a Yorkshire Terrier (2008)